2024 - 2025 Catalog
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Course Descriptions
SOC: Sociology
Course # | Course Title | Credits |
SOC 204 | General Sociology | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring Presents basic theories, concepts, and processes involved in scientific study of society, including culture, socialization, social structure, social interaction, and formal organizations. Some sections may have a no-cost text book option. |
SOC 205 | General Sociology | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter Examines deviance. Studies social stratification, issues of social class, gender, racial and ethnic groups, the elderly, and collective behavior. |
SOC 206 | General Sociology | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Summer Applies sociological analysis of social change and trends in the family, religion, education, economics, politics, and medicine. |
SOC 210 | Marriage/Family/Intimate Relations | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Fall Presents sociological analyses of topics which may include romantic love, sexual patterns, courtship and dating, intimate relationships, divorce, widowhood, remarriages, family systems in other cultures, family systems in America, current changes, and prospects for the future. Guides students into ways of coping better in their own relationships. |
SOC 231 | Human Sexuality | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Spring A comprehensive study of human sexuality with an emphasis on sexual issues from scientific and humanistic perspectives. This course includes a survey of historical, cultural and cross-cultural variation in sexuality, sex research, female and male sexual and reproductive anatomy and physiology, gender issues, sexual response, sexual communication, sexual behavior patterns, love and sexual orientations. |
SOWK: Social Work
Course # | Course Title | Credits |
SOWK 111 | Intro To Social Work | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Summer, Spring Introduces the profession of social work, surveying the professional knowledge, skills, values, and ethics applicable for generalist social work practices. Reviews the historical, philosophical, educational, and social dimensions of the profession. Considers various fields of social work practice and their unique attributes, including income levels of each. Places special emphasis on rural areas. Recommended Co-requisite: SOWK 280. |
SOWK 220 | Social Welfare System and Policy | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Summer Addresses the historical impact and current delivery of social services to people of poverty, people of color, elderly, women, homosexuals, and persons with mental and or physical disabilities, recognizing the fundamental duty of the social work profession to promote social equity and justice. Traces the historical evolution of the American social service delivery system, and examines development of policies as they relate to societal values.Prerequisites: SOWK 111 or instructor approval. |
SP: Speech
Course # | Course Title | Credits |
SP 112 | Persuasive Speech | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Offered as needed Provides students an understanding of the persuasive communication process in order to make more persuasive presentations and better understand persuasive mechanisms in the issues they encounter.Prerequisites: College level reading ability is an advantage. |
SP 219 | Small Group Discussion | 3.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Fall, Spring Stresses skill building and theory in decision making, goal setting, presentation planning, and knowledge of group process. Assists students in using effective small group techniques in a variety of settings.Prerequisites: Pass WR95 with a C- or better, or suitable placement score. |
SPAN: Spanish
Course # | Course Title | Credits |
SPAN 101 | 1st Year Spanish I | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Fall, Winter First Year Spanish is based on the Standards of Learning Spanish. Instruction Incorporates the major organizing principles for the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Grammar is taught within the context of real world interaction in the target language (Spanish), including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. |
SPAN 102 | 1st Year Spanish II | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Winter, Spring First Year Spanish is based on the Standards of Learning Spanish. Instruction Incorporates the major organizing principles for the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Grammar is taught within the context of real world interaction in the target language (Spanish), including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Pre-requisite: SPAN 101, Two years of high school Spanish, or instructor approval. |
SPAN 103 | 1st Year Spanish III | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Fall, Spring First Year Spanish is based on the Standards of Learning Spanish. Instruction Incorporates the major organizing principles for the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Grammar is taught within the context of real world interaction in the target language (Spanish), including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.Prerequisites: SPAN 102 or Instructor permission. |
SPAN 201 | 2nd Year Spanish I | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Offered as needed Continues the review and expansion of vocabulary, grammar, conversation and composition. Introduction to cultural and literacy readings.Prerequisites: two years high school spanish, SPAN 103 or Instructor permission. |
SPAN 202 | 2nd Year Spanish II | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Offered as needed Continues the review and expansion of vocabulary, grammar, conversation and composition. Introduction to cultural and literacy readings.Prerequisites: SPAN 201. |
SPAN 203 | 2nd Year Spanish III | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Offered as needed Continues the review and expansion of vocabulary, grammar, conversation and composition. Introduction to cultural and literacy readings.Prerequisites: SPAN 202. |
STAT: Statistics
Course # | Course Title | Credits |
STAT 243 Z | Elementary Statistics I | 4.00 Credits |
Quarters Offered: Winter, Spring A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis, descriptive statistics, sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions, and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate.Prerequisites: Pass MATH 111 or 105 with a "C-" or better, or suitable math placement exam score. |