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TVCC Admissions Office

Standards for Academic Standing Statuses

Office of the Registrar - (541) 881-5804

This policy applies if the student is enrolled for six (6) or more credits during the academic quarter in question and generates a transcript entry. Entries generate at the end of the fourth instructional week during fall, winter, and spring quarters, or after the equivalent time period during summer quarter.

  • Academic Alert
    • Earning a GPA below 2.0 for one quarter places a student on Academic Alert status. The student is encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor or an academic advisor in Student Services to develop an academic success plan.
  • Academic Probation
    • Earning a GPA below 2.0 for a second consecutive quarter places a student on Academic Probation. The student will be required to meet with an advisor to develop an academic success plan.
  • Academic Dismissal
    • Earning a GPA below 2.0 while on Academic Probation places a student on academic dismissal status. Completing less than 50% of the enrollment status for three consecutive terms will also result in academic dismissal. Students are generally dismissed for one academic year unless they appeal the decision to the Vice President of Student Services or to the Caldwell Center Director. Students on academic alert or probation - who meet all standards of academic progress in a subsequent quarter taking at least 6 credits - will be removed from academic alert or probation and placed in good academic standing.

Students who enroll must Complete:

  • Full-time ............................Must complete: 12 credits
    (12 or more credits)
  • 3/4 time .............................Must complete: 9 credits
    (9 to 11 credits)
  • 1/2 time .............................Must complete: 6 credits
    (6 to 8 credits)
  • Less than 6 credits ............ALL credits attempted


Appeal for Readmission 

  • Students dismissed for academic reasons may petition the Vice President of Student Services or to the Caldwell Center Director for readmission via the Academic Reinstatement Process. Readmitted students are placed on academic probation.

NOTE- While the requirements for Academic Standing are similar to those for a student's Financial Aid standing, they are not equivalent. Students who have also been placed on financial aid suspension must submit a financial aid suspension appeal in order to have their eligibility for financial aid reinstated.

Standards of Academic Progress for Recipients of Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs Benefits

Office of Financial Aid - (541) 881-5833, or email 

Students applying for or receiving financial aid assistance at TVCC must meet the following standards in all periods of enrollment to establish and maintain eligibility for financial aid and/or veteran’s benefits.

The Administrator (Vice President ) of Student Services monitors and enforces Academic Standards independently of the Standards of Academic Progress for recipients of financial aid and Veteran Affairs benefits. The Standards of Academic Progress for recipients of financial aid and Veteran Affairs benefits aremonitored and enforced for all aid applicants and aid recipients in all periods of enrollment without regard to an actual offer of or receipt of financial aid monies. Students must meet all general requirements and
two standards of academic progress in order to establish and maintain eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid.

General Requirements

  • Students must complete Treasure Valley Community College admission requirements.
  • Students must have a high school diploma, GED or home school certificate.
  • Students cannot be simultaneously enrolled in an elementary or secondary education program.
  • Students must be enrolled in an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science or an eligible one- or two-year certificate program.

GPA Requirement

  • Students must maintain a 2.0 quarterly GPA (as computed using a 4.0 scale);
    Students who have attempted 90 college and remedial credits or more must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA;
  • Some awards have higher GPA requirements depending on their source. Please contact the awarding organization for additional information.

Completion Rate Requirement

  • Each quarter, students must complete a minimum number of credits attempted according to their enrollment status at the end of the full refund period as published in the quarterly class schedule. 
  • Standards of Academic Progress for Recipients of Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs Benefits
    • Students who enroll must complete:
      • Full-time (12 or more credits) 12 Credits
      • Three-quarter time (9 to 11 credits) 9 Credits
      • Half-time (6 to 8 credits) 6 Credits
      • Less than half-time (less than 6 credits) All credits attempted
  • Incompletes, repetitions and withdraws will all count against your completion rate and GPA.

Maximum Credit Hour Requirement

  • Students must complete their degree or certificate program within the equivalent of 150 percent of the published number of credits required to complete the program. For example, the published length of an Associate of Arts degree is 90 credits; 135 attempted credits is the maximum allowed.
  • The 150 percent credit evaluation is calculated as follows:
    a. All TVCC credits attempted -plusb. All repeated credits attempted -plusc. All credits transferred from other colleges/universities -minusd. All remedial credits attempted (course numbers less than 100, 45 credits maximum) = TOTAL.
  • If, at any time, it is determined that a student has reached, exceeded, or cannot complete their degree requirements within the 150 percent limit, the student is ineligible for further aid.
  • This 150 percent limit does not apply to VA benefits. See the VA Office for additional details.
  • Students who wish to use financial aid funds to complete a second degree or certificate at TVCC must submit an appeal to the Financial Aid Office along with a graduation plan for the second certificate/degree.
          a. All attempted credits from a prior certificate/degree that can apply to a second
              certificate/degree must be counted. Other non-remedial attempted credits that 
              apply only to the prior degree program will be excluded from the 150 percent
              calculation for the second certificate/degree program.
          b. Students who appeal to complete a second degree successfully must continue     
               to meet all financial aid standards of academic progress including the
               maximum credit hour requirement as calculated for the new degree program.


  • Satisfactory Progress Evaluations are made when a student initially applies for financial aid and at the conclusion of each quarter in which a student enrolls. (Students are considered “enrolled” if they
    are registered for classes at the conclusion of the full-refund period as published in the quarterly class schedule.
  • Financial Aid “Warning”
    • Students in good standing who do not meet the standards of academic progress will be placed on financial aid “Warning”. In the event that a student does not meet standards of academic progress while on “Warning”, a student will be placed on academic probation.
    • A student may not be placed on financial aid “Warning” for more than one term in a row.
    • A financial aid “Warning” does not affect receipt of aid for subsequent quarters if the student meets standards of academic progress.
  • Financial Aid “Probation”
    • Students who do not meet the standards of academic progress while on “Warning” will be placed on financial aid “Probation.” A financial aid “Probation” prevents a student from receiving further financial aid at TVCC without filing a Financial Aid Probation Appeal and meeting with an academic advisor to develop a plan for academic success.
    • Students in good standing or otherwise who have attempted 90 credits and have less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA are immediately placed on financial aid “Probation” and referred to an academic advisor.

Appeals and Reinstatement

  • A student on “Warning” or “Probation” who meets all standards of academic progress in a subsequent quarter of at least half-time enrollment (6 credits minimum) will be removed from financial aid “Warning” or “Probation” and placed in “Good” standing.
  • Students who are placed on financial aid “Probation” may appeal. Forms are available at or in the Financial Aid Office.
  • A student must complete the following processes to successfully appeal their financial aid “Probation”:
    • Fill out the Financial Aid Probation Appeal form with a detailed explanation of what the student will change in order to successfully complete their courses.
    • Meet with a Student Services advisor to discuss the student’s academic situation and complete a graduation plan. Attach that plan to the appeal form.
    • Provide evidence of a scheduled appointment with that advisor at the mid-way point of the term to discuss how the student is progressing.
    • The student will agree to any restrictions on courses and/or funding during the “appeal” quarter, which is required by either the academic advisor or the Financial Aid Office.
    • If a student on “Probation” fails to meet the standards of academic progress in the term covered by the appeal, they may not file a second consecutive appeal and will be required to pay for a term of at least 6 credits, and complete it successfully before becoming eligible for financial aid again.

Terms and Definitions

Grading Symbols

  • The following are credits successfully completed: “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-”, “C+”, “C”, “C-”, “D”, “S”.
  • The following are not credits successfully completed: “F” = Failing, “FN” = Never Attended, “U” = Unsatisfactory, “I” = Incomplete, “W” = Withdrawal, “AU” = Audit, “NG” = No grade, “WIP” = Work in Progress.

Repeat, Incomplete, Open-Ended and Audit Courses

  • Financial aid will only pay for courses to be repeated once (after any grade other than “W”). The student should consult with his/her faculty or academic advisor.
  • Some awards may pay for a course to be repeated depending on their source. Please contact the awarding organization for additional information.
  • Incompletes must be arranged with instructors and must be completed as indicated by the instructor. For financial aid purposes, courses extended beyond a single term of enrollment are not credits successfully completed.
  • Audits must be arranged in advance with the instructor, are not eligible for financial aid, and do not count as classes completed for financial aid purposes.

Non-Credit and Remedial Courses

  • Non-credit, community education, developmental education, adult basic education, and ESL courses which do not apply toward an eligible degree or certificate program are not eligible for financial aid. Financial aid funding for remedial courses (numbered below 100) is limited to 45 total credits.