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TVCC Admissions Office

Student Records Retention and Destruction Schedule (addendum added to catalog on 12/10/2024)

(Including Veteran Students)

TVCC adheres to all applicable state and federal statutes and administrative rules and regulations governing the retention and disclosure of student records, including those of veteran students. More specifically, included among such governing rules is Oregon Administrative Rule 166-450-0120, which specifically governs the retention and destruction of student records, including those of veteran students:

“The General Schedule is applicable to the student records, academic records of community colleges. Retention periods apply to the official copy of all public records, regardless of medium or physical format, created or stored by the above specified agencies. Please note the exceptions to this General Schedule listed in OAR 166-030-0027 before disposing of records.

(1) Assessment Placement and Testing Records: Records document the administration of assessment, placement, diagnostic, challenge exams and other formal tests. Types of testing and assessment services offered may include but are not limited to entrance, placement, or skills tests such as General Education Development (GED) test; aptitude test; vocational aptitude and interest surveys; personality inventories; career self-exploration research tests and surveys; placement tests for math, reading, and writing skills; or hearing and vision tests. Records may include but are not limited to rosters of test takers; testing rules and regulations; test administration records; examiner’s manuals; exams and tests; test order and payment records; placement and test results; and summary reports. Records may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502(2). (Minimum retention: Placement test, GED and NLN test records: five years; Special academic program orientation records: one year; Other records: five years).

(2) Grade Records: Records document the grades awarded by instructors of and serves as the basis for the students’ official academic records. Records may include test, assignment, paper, and homework scores; attendance records; and final grades for students. Records in this series may include but are not limited to instructor’s grade books; grade confirmation reports; grade change records; final grade rosters; and related documentation which is reported to the Registrar’s Office for inclusion in the student’s academic record. Records may also include grade reports, report cords, and grade histories which are distributed to students at the end of each term and which indicate course numbers and titles, grades, awarded and grade point average. SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records. Information may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502(2). (Minimum retention: Official electronic grade records: 75 years; Grade change forms or grade sheets: 10 years; Contested grade records: Until resolved; Other records: one year).

(3) Graduation Evaluation Records: Records document the progress made toward graduation by students. Records may include but are not limited to applications for graduation; degree audits or evaluations by program; correspondence; departmental notes and working papers; and related documentation. SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records this section. (Minimum retention: Applications for graduations, degree audit records, curriculum deviation/course waiver forms, transcripts from other colleges, transfer credit evaluation forms, or any other documents related to graduation evaluations: 10 years; Electronic or paper confirmation that student completed degree requirements: 75 years; Diploma replacement requests: one year).

(4) Student Academic Advising Records: Records document the student’s academic progress within a specific department or program, including student athletes. Most of the components in these records are reference copies of records maintained in the files of the Registrar’s Office and are maintained for the convenience of the student academic advisors. Records may be exempt from public disclosure per ORS 192.502(2). (Minimum retention: one year).

(5) Student Academic Records: Records document the admission and academic progress of students enrolled in the college. Records may include but are not limited to the following notice of acceptance to limited entry program, registration and add/drop forms, international student applications no show, I-20 issued, request for audit and pass/no pass forms, transcripts from high school other colleges, applications for admission international student records, final and articulated grade sheets, challenge/credit by assessment documents, grade change requests, official transcript, record of academic probation or suspensions, FERPA Student Status Confirmation Reports, records requests and disclosures, report cards, grade change requests, student schedules, tuition and fee information, demographic information, residency verifications, change of major notification, and underage enrollment documentation. Information may be exempt from public disclosure per 192.502(2). (Minimum retention: Transcripts, record of academic probation or suspension, and records relating to student records requests and disclosures: 75 years; Final and articulated grade sheets, challenge/credit by assessment documents, and grade change requests: 10 years; International student records: five years; Applications for admissions: three years; Other records: one year).

(6) Veterans Student Records: Records document the status of military veterans who have requested veterans benefits and are registered as students of the college. Records may include but are not limited to correspondence; records completed and submitted to the Veterans Administration to request, start, or reinstate veterans benefits; and other records that document student participation in a variety of educational benefits programs for veterans. Selected information about veterans may be maintained electronically in the student’s record; other records are maintained in paper form in veterans student files. SEE ALSO: Student Academic Records this section. (Minimum retention: three years following termination of enrollment period).”

Source: Oregon Secretary of State – Oregon Administrative Rule 166-450-0120.