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TVCC Admissions Office

Grading Guidelines

Grades used in computing grade point average are:

 Grade Points Explanation
A 4.0 Outstanding Performance
A- 3.7 Superior
B+ 3.3 Excellent
B 3.0 Very Good
B- 2.7 Good
C+ 2.3 Better than Satisfactory
C 2.0 Satisfactory
C- 1.7 Passing
D 1.0 Low Passing
F 0.0 Below minimum standard,no credit earned
FN 0.0 Never attended
AU 0.0 Audit (No credit earned and instructor permission is required)
I 0.0 Incomplete (No credit is earned and instructor permission is required)
S 0.0 Satisfactory (Pass/fail grading option must be requested)
U 0.0 Unsatisfactory (Pass/fail grading option must be requested)
[D] or [F] 0.0 A low grade in brackets is a forgiven grade and not calculated in the TVCC GPA
R 0.0 Repeat grade. Calculated in the GPA
* 0.0 An asterisk (*) designates a repeat grade and is not calculated in the GPA
NG 0.0 Non-graded
WIP 0.0 Work in Progress (generally indicates current quarter grades)


The grade point average is a weighted average of the grades received by students, calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of credit hours attempted. For example:

Course Hours Grade  Grade Points
Psychology 203   3 C (3x2.0) = 6
Math 111 4 A- (4x3.7) = 14.8
HPE 120 2 A (2x4.0) = 8
English 121 3 B+ (3x3.3) = 9.9
Total 12 credits   38.7 grade points

Dividing 38.7 grade points by 12 credits gives a grade point average of 3.23

Pass/Fail Grade

Students may enroll in classes on a pass/fail basis by written arrangement with the instructor before the end of the 4th week of the quarter. Forms are available at the Student Services Center. Students earning a "C-" grade or higher receive a "S" (Satisfactory) grade on their transcripts. Students earning a "D" grade or lower receive an "U" (Unsatisfactory) grade. These grades are not computed in the grade point average.

Students are cautioned against taking courses on a pass/fail basis because transferability of this type of credit is limited. Students should consult with their advisors and with their intended four-year institutions before requesting a S/U grade.

Withdrawal Grade

A "W" grade indicates that a student has dropped a class. The last day of each quarter to withdraw from classes is specified on the academic calendar and is published in the quarterly schedule. Complete information on withdrawing from a class is available in the Student Services Center.

Audit Grade

No credit is earned for auditing a class and receiving an "AU". Registration as an audit must be completed no later than the fourth week of the quarter, or equivalent period of the summer quarter. Required forms are available from instructors or the Student Services Center. Instructor permission is required. The cost of auditing a class is the same as taking the course for credit.

Incomplete Grade

The "I" designation indicates that a student has been granted extra time by the instructor to complete required course work. Terms of completion are specified in a contract signed by the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to initiate this contract. All work must be completed by the final day of the next academic quarter, excluding summer quarter. Not all contracts will extend a full additional quarter to complete the coursework; this is solely at the discretion of the instructor. In special circumstances, the deadline for completion may be extended with approval from the instructor and the Vice President of Academic Affairs. An "I" grade is changed to an "F" if the terms of the contract are not met within the time specified.

Repeating a Course

Students may repeat any course to improve a grade. Only the credit and grade earned in the last attempt are calculated in the GPA and total credits earned. Repeating courses can affect financial aid and VA benefits.

Grade Forgiveness

Low grades (D, F) earned at TVCC may be removed from calculation of the grade point average at TVCC, if the student:

  • submits a written appeal to the Vice President of Student Services, and
  • meets the TVCC standard for satisfactory academic progress in the most recent term of enrollment at the college, and
  • is currently enrolled, and
  • two years have passed since the low grades were earned.

Low grades previously earned will be marked in brackets [D] on the transcript but will not be included in grade point calculations. Acceptance of a grade in brackets at any other college or university is determined by that institution. Grade forgiveness can affect VA benefits.